Articles for Ordinary Time

Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

December 2, 2023

  Today, Saturday of the 34th week of Ordinary Time is the last day of the liturgical year. Tomorrow, with the First Sunday of Advent, we begin a new liturgical year. Now if we look at the gospel passages for today and tomorrow we will notice something interesting. Today’s Gospel (Lk 21:34-36) we are told…

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Friday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

December 1, 2023

  The Gospel passage today ends with a very interesting thought from Jesus, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” In the prologue of the gospel of John, John writes, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” A few…

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Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle

November 30, 2023

  Today we celebrate the Feast of the Apostle Andrew. In the Gospel passage for this feast (Mt 4:18-22), we see Andrew, along with his brother Simon Peter, being called by Jesus as they fish in their boat. Shortly after we see the brothers James and John also called by Jesus as they mend their…

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Wednesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

November 29, 2023

  In today’s gospel, Jesus presents us with a very interesting contrast. He begins by speaking about coming persecutions that members of the Church will face (and we certainly have throughout history). He speaks of us being hauled before courts, and he concludes by saying that some of us will be put to death. That…

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Tuesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

November 28, 2023

  In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks of the coming destruction of the temple (this actually occurred in 70 AD). People’s curiosity is aroused, and they ask him for the signs that will show that this is about to happen. The signs that Jesus lists are interesting: nations rising against nations, wars; plagues, earthquakes, famines, and…

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Monday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

November 27, 2023

  In today’s Gospel, Jesus greatly admires the poor widow who puts all of her money into the collection box at the temple. He says of her that she put in more than all of the rest, who were giving out of their surplus. We should all strive to be like her in our own…

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The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

November 26, 2023

  Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King (next Sunday we begin Advent with the First Sunday of Advent). For me, the definitive statement of Christ’s Kingship is actually found in Mt 28:18, when Jesus approaches the Eleven on the mountaintop in Galilee after the Resurrection and says to them: “All power in…

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Saturday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

November 25, 2023

  The Psalms may often be considered too poetic, too repetitive, and perhaps lacking an obvious storyline that the Gospels or other books of the Bible present. Still, the Psalms can be a powerful means of prayer and reflection about one’s relationship with God and how we are to live as Christians. Today’s responsorial psalm…

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Memorial of St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs

November 24, 2023

  In all three of today’s readings, there is a message of reassurance of God’s love for us and His promise never to leave us. There is also a message of thanksgiving for the countless blessings and graces the Lord has bestowed upon us. This message is very fitting for the day after Thanksgiving. To…

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Thanksgiving Day

November 23, 2023

  “Jesus, Master have pity on us,” the ten cried out. “And as they were going they were cleansed.” This familiar passage reminds us to give thanks to God. Ten lepers were healed, yet only one returned to Jesus to give thanks. How often do we fail to give thanks to God? How many times…

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Memorial of St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

November 22, 2023

  In the first reading today, we hear of a family who had great courage in the face of tremendous pain. The second book of Maccabees tells us that seven brothers died for the sake of God and to keep His commands. Their mother witnessed the death of her sons, but she had great courage…

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Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 21, 2023

  There is a surprising connection between our Old Testament reading and our Gospel reading for the day. Both describe similar events, but they appear contrary to each other. Eleazar faces martyrdom because he refuses to take up the practices of an alien religion. Jesus faces ridicule because “he has gone to stay at the…

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Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

November 20, 2023

  In today’s Gospel, we hear of a blind man sitting by the road as Jesus and the crowd walk past. As he walks past, the blind man calls out to Jesus hoping to be healed, and yet the crowd tries to silence his pleas. As our society slowly becomes more anti-God and anti-faith, it…

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Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 19, 2023

  In today’s Gospel, Jesus shares with his disciples a parable of a master and his three servants. The master gives the first servant five talents, the second servant two, and the third servant one. The first servant immediately goes out and makes another five talents, and the second servant makes another two. However, the…

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Saturday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

November 18, 2023

  “Remember the marvels the Lord has done!” So, we pray in the psalm response. The first reading from the Book of Wisdom is a summary of God’s mighty deeds for his Chosen People. And the Christian world sees in the opening verses (14ff), a reference to the coming of the Word – the all-powerful…

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Memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious

November 17, 2023

  The Gospel speaks of judgment. At the judgment the question will be: is the Kingdom within you? Are you part of that Kingdom? That’s the question put to us every day: are you part of the Kingdom of God? Is the Spirit of the Kingdom within you? By our actions, are we clearly identified…

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Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

November 16, 2023

  We hear the instruction about the spirit and the power of wisdom. “Compared to light, she takes precedence; for that, indeed, night supplants, but wickedness prevails not over Wisdom. Indeed, she reaches from end to end mightily and governs all things well.” Jesus speaks of the coming of the kingdom in answer to the…

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Wednesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

November 15, 2023

  “Set your desire on my words.” Long for them, and you will be instructed. They will be made holy who observe holy things in holiness. Your faith has made you well. Three simple thoughts with powerful consequences. We are instructed to long for the words of the Lord, to ponder the Word of God,…

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Tuesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

November 14, 2023

  Speakers of many kinds and on many different occasions seem to like to state things in three’s – one radio show (Garrison Keillor) would end with, “Be well, keep in touch, and do good work.” Kind of a good wish for the day. We hear these sometimes in Scripture too – one comes to…

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Memorial of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin

November 13, 2023

  We continue readings from the Book of Wisdom. The book begins: “Love justice you who judge the earth; seek him in integrity of heart.” Jesus tells his disciples to guard against leading anyone into sin. He also repeats words found elsewhere in the gospel about forgiveness: if someone wrongs you and seeks forgiveness, then…

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Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 12, 2023

  On November 1, we celebrated the Feast of All Saints—celebrating all those saints who are now with God. We celebrated the Body of Christ—living in glory in the heavenly kingdom, those of us called to be holy here on earth below. And the next day (All Souls), we celebrated and remembered those on their…

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Memorial of St. Martin of Tours, Bishop

November 11, 2023

  Mammon comes from the word “amen,” which is a confirmation of faith. Therefore, mammon refers to a treacherous object in which people put their faith, such as money, that will inevitably fail to live up to their faith. Jesus is offering a warning not to rely on money and suggests that it is often…

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Memorial of St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

November 10, 2023

  St. Paul is attempting to fulfill the command of Jesus to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth, with the request that the Christians in Rome support him in continuing beyond Rome to what is now Spain. At this time, the Spanish peninsula would have been considered the farthest west that one…

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Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

November 9, 2023

  Today is the anniversary of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. Contrary to popular belief, St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is not the cathedral of Rome. Rather, the Lateran Basilica of St. John is the cathedral of Rome and, therefore, the cathedral of the whole Catholic Church. That is why the whole…

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Wednesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

November 8, 2023

  Today’s Gospel passage is very challenging as Jesus expects his disciples to “hate” their family members and even their own lives. He does not want us, however, to attack our family members or to wish harm upon them. His point is that nothing should have a higher priority than following him. Each of us…

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Tuesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

November 7, 2023

  I grew up in a small town with a close-knit Catholic parish and school. That parish community was the lens through which I saw the whole world, and it was only after leaving my hometown that I discovered that not everyone has a strong parish community in which they know everyone and come together…

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Monday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

November 6, 2023

  The term “blessed” can also be translated as “happy.” When it comes to performing works of service, we don’t automatically think of how they make us happy. More often we groan in anticipation of the work and the time that we are giving up for someone else. Others may do well to focus on…

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Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 5, 2023

  There’s an imbalance when we are left standing before those sitting. It may be facing the boss at his desk or the principal in his office, or maybe it’s the judge seated up on his bench in the courtroom that we never expected to be in, or even the pastor of the church letting…

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Memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop

November 4, 2023

  St. Paul fascinates me. He was raised a fervent Jew. He sat at the feet of the famous rabbi, Gamaliel, in preparation to become a rabbi, too. He was learned in the ways of the Pharisees and embraced the Law so much that he approved the stoning of those who disregarded the Law. How…

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Friday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

November 3, 2023

  Our reading at Mass from the Gospel of St. Luke provides another story that is similar to the Gospel read last Monday. Jesus once again heals someone (this time a man) on the Sabbath in the presence of Pharisees. These deliberate “violations” of the Law in the presence of teachers of the Law took…

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The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

November 2, 2023

  Today we celebrate All Souls Day (aka Commemoration of the Faithful Departed). According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “The theological basis for the feast is the doctrine that the souls which, on departing from the body, are not perfectly cleansed from venial sins, or have not fully atoned for past transgressions, are debarred from the…

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Solemnity of All Saints

November 1, 2023

  Saints have always been revered by the Catholic Church. Recognition of someone who led a good and virtuous life would start in the area where the person lived. By word-of-mouth, his or her reputation might expand and draw people from far-off lands on pilgrimage. By the ninth century, Pope Gregory IV formally established November…

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Tuesday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

October 31, 2023

  When I think about what Heaven might be like, I usually think about all those things that make me happy and all those things that bring me joy. I don’t usually think about things that have made me sad or uncomfortable. Frankly, I would rather avoid those things. If Heaven is the result of…

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Monday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

October 30, 2023

  As time passes, we discover that none of these rules cover every particular circumstance that can happen. So we get together and agree upon additional rules to guide us. Before you know it, 613 laws get developed (or a Bill of Rights that is tacked on to a Constitution). Many of these “add-ons” are…

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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 29, 2023

  None of us goes to God individually. I may have a personal desire for holiness and virtues. But these are refined through my relationships. Wherever two or more are gathered, there must be agreed-upon rules for the relationships. What is acceptable behavior? What are common values among those in the group, and how should…

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Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles

October 28, 2023

  The Gospel for this feast of the apostles Simon and Jude begins with the words: “Jesus went up to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God.” This brief introduction to the account of Jesus’ selection of his twelve disciples could easily be overlooked as merely setting the scene,…

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Friday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

October 27, 2023

  In our opening reading today, St. Paul reminds us of our basic human condition: “I know that good does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh…I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want” (Rom 7:18-19). Each of us can attest to that reality…

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Thursday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

October 26, 2023

  We hear today of St. Paul’s description of our sinful human condition as slavery to impurity and lawlessness. Slaves are persons who submit their wills to the control of another—either through coercion or by self-surrender. We become slaves to sin by following our own desires rather than submitting to the Lord’s will. We become…

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Wednesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

October 25, 2023

  The first reading of our liturgy today from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans continues his discussion of our struggle with the reality of sin in our lives: “Sin must not reign over your mortal bodies so that you obey their desires. And do not present the parts of your bodies to sin as…

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Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

October 24, 2023

  Today’s gospel presents the image of the faithful and vigilant servants who await the return of their master from a wedding. As we approach the end of the Church year, the readings at the Eucharist focus on the end times, upon Jesus’ return in glory. “Be vigilant at all times and pray that you…

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