Daily Reflections
Last Sunday’s Gospel ended with the phrase “The last will be first, and the first will be last.” What can this mean for your faith? How can we interpret this in regard to the signs of the times? A good way to put it is that it is not over until it is over.…
Continue ReadingThe tour we receive this week through the Gospel of Luke is interrupted by this beautiful feast of the Archangels. Conception Abbey celebrates this day as a full Solemnity, the highest feast in the Catholic liturgical calendar. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. They are the most beautiful of angels! They serve before God and constantly…
Continue ReadingA point comes in everyone’s life where we are forced to consider what we have done. This can be at a time for conversion where we change a bad habit and come closer to God. A time of deep reflection helps us to come to terms with a traumatic event or a deep interior…
Continue ReadingIn this time of the Church’s history, Christ’s Bride faces different obstacles. A decrease in religious vocations is one of the main problems facing the American Church. I do not want to sound dire or dour. This age carries many blessings. The path to living out a Christian vocation is something most blessed and…
Continue ReadingA man fell into hard times in his life. He lost his job and he had been cut out of his family’s inheritance by his brother. So, one day he attended Church for the first time in years, and he heard the preacher say that, to one effect or another, God helps those who…
Continue ReadingIt is said that Thomas Edison attempted to make the world’s first incandescent lightbulb more than 2,000 times. When he finally succeeded in doing so, he invented the thing that would make artificial light possible for all of us. When asked about how many times he attempted to make the lightbulb, he said he…
Continue ReadingToday we explore the parable of the vineyard and the workers. How could this work, that everyone who goes into the vineyard gets the same wage? Where is the justice in that? Jesus knew how to reach the hearts of his listeners. This does not mean that Jesus would treat His own workers badly.…
Continue Reading“Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips but with your heart. In fact, on certain occasions, you should only speak to Him with your heart.” These are words from our saint today, St. Padre Pio! He is…
Continue Reading“Pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life.” St. Paul says this to Timothy in our first reading. He also says that we should avoid getting rich because the love of money is the root of all evils. This means if you love money…
Continue Reading“Follow me.” These two simple words provoked Matthew the tax collector, a sinner, to follow “I AM,” another two words that mean God! St. Matthew recognized the voice of the Father through Jesus, and, in a way, healed Matthew of his infirmity of being a tax collector and a sinner. As Jesus says in…
Continue ReadingThis passage from our gospel reminds me of our Holy Martyrs today, “For John the Baptist came neither eating food nor drinking wine, and you said, ‘He is possessed by a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and you said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of…
Continue ReadingToday Jesus has raised someone from the dead! The people exclaimed, “A great prophet has arisen in our midst, and God has visited his people!” The Lord’s actions remind me of our first reading about how bishops and deacons have the same power as Christ because, in a way, they are Christ! In the…
Continue ReadingI love intercessory prayer, praying for another person, whether that be a short prayer to Jesus, Mary, or one of the saints, saying a rosary for someone, or simply lighting a candle in front of our Blessed Mother statue or the icons of Sts. Joseph and Benedict. In these readings today, especially the responsorial…
Continue ReadingThese passages today remind me of a line from the movie, “The Song of Bernadette.” The doctor inspects the holy saint and asks her several questions. Dr. Dozous asks Bernadette this question, “Do you know what a sinner is?” and Bernadette replies “Certainly Monsieur, a sinner is one who loves evil!” In our first…
Continue ReadingThere are several places in the Gospels where someone asks Jesus what is needed to follow him or what is necessary to be saved. Jesus’ replies are clear – obey the commandment, love God, and love your neighbor; sell what you have and follow me and more. He has told us that our goal…
Continue ReadingEvery time we celebrate a feast of the Blessed Mother, we venerate Mary and recall her part in God’s plan for our salvation. Her special place in the Church, of course, flows from her special place in God’s plan. Yesterday we celebrated the Triumph of the Cross. Today we see another side of that…
Continue ReadingToday we celebrate the great reconciliation won for us by Jesus Christ—God’s plan for our redemption. We celebrate the Triumph of the Cross. Yes, there is clearly a paradox here—declaring the triumph, the exaltation of an instrument of death. Yet that is precisely the point. From death comes life. Passing through death leads to…
Continue ReadingWe are presented with some of the basics of our Catholic Christian faith these days. Yesterday, the letter to the Colossians spelled out for us just who Jesus is—the one in whom the fullness of deity resides. He saved us from sin “by canceling the bond which stood against us, snatching it up and…
Continue ReadingHaving just begun St Luke’s gospel for our weekday readings, we are taken back to the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. The news of him spread quickly. And it seems just as quickly suspicions arose. On the one hand, some were spellbound—“here is one who speaks with authority”—while others felt threatened. Jesus was not…
Continue ReadingEveryone in this country recalls the horror of the attacks of 9-11-2001 on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and fields of Pennsylvania. Many watched on TV as the tragedy unfolded before our very eyes. Many people died that day. Others died later because of the attacks. And things changed that day and thereafter. Sunday’s…
Continue ReadingThere is something in the Gospel that is important for us to get and not overlook. It has to do with how Jesus is present to us. Jesus says, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” When we speak of the Eucharist (the…
Continue ReadingWhere did you come from? Paul is reminding the Colossians of who they were before they became new again through Christ. Why did Paul feel he had to remind them of this? The past is the past, right? Maybe it’s to show them that they have grown in their faith. Maybe it’s that he…
Continue ReadingWhat a Motley Crew! Today we celebrate the Feast Day celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Gospel for this great Feast is the Genealogy of Jesus. Today you’ll learn how well your parish priest pronounces biblical names. This Gospel passage is one of my favorites because it shows a royal…
Continue ReadingJesus orders Simon to cast his net to sea to catch some fish. Simon tells Jesus that they’ve been out fishing all night and have caught nothing! Even though he’s doubtful, Simon still casts the net. The net caught so much fish that it started tearing. Because of this particular gospel passage today, I’m…
Continue ReadingIn our gospel today, Simon’s mother-in-law is healed from her severe fever after it was scared away by Jesus’ rebuke. Our gospel doesn’t tell us that she was happy after this happened. Our gospel doesn’t tell us that she had tears of joy. Our gospel doesn’t tell us that she was so overjoyed from…
Continue ReadingIn the gospel today, there is a man with a demon inside of him. This demon is gutsy! I say this because the demon was not afraid to encounter Jesus, the Son of God. We all know who won that match. But it proves the lengths a demon will go to fight good. And…
Continue ReadingHe comes to save the living and the dead! In our first reading, Paul is speaking to the Thessalonians about their deceased family members and friends. If this is something that Paul is addressing, then it was very likely a great concern of the people. They had worries about what would happen to the…
Continue ReadingJesus is a true friend to us. He is a friend that loves us enough to tell us the truth. Last week and now this week in our gospel, we see the character Peter. Last week, Jesus gave him The Keys and told him that he is the rock. Quite a big honor Jesus…
Continue ReadingAspire to live a tranquil life, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your own hands, as we instructed you. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 St. Paul encourages the church at Thessalonica to “aspire to live a tranquil life.” Calm. Serene. Peaceful. Sounds nice. But I wonder how many Christians today wish they could…
Continue ReadingThis is the will of God, your holiness! 1 Thessalonians 4:3a “What does God want me to do in this situation?” “What does God want from me?” “What is or was God’s will for my life?” God wants us to be holy. Period. Whenever you wonder what God wants you to do, say to…
Continue ReadingWe have been reassured about you, brothers and sisters, in our every distress and affliction, through your faith. 1 Thessalonians 3:7 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy had to get out of town because they were being threatened and persecuted by Jews and Greeks alike. After a few months passed, naturally these Christian missionaries became worried…
Continue ReadingWorking night and day in order not to burden any of you, we proclaimed to you the Gospel of God. 1 Thessalonians 2:9b So far this week in the First Readings of the Mass, we have been hearing from a letter that was written by the legendary missionaries Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy. They were…
Continue ReadingOh, St. Augustine! Look upon us with compassion, as once Jesus did when he saw the great crowds as though sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36). We confess that we have strayed from the straight and narrow path which Christ cut out for us by his heavy cross and holy feet. Intercede for us,…
Continue ReadingI will fix him like a peg in a sure spot, to be a place of honor for his family. Isaiah 22:23 Today, Conception Abbey and Seminary College hosts our third annual Seminary Open House for our friends and benefactors. We’re all under a big, white tent like you’d see at a wedding reception.…
Continue ReadingIn the first reading for the Masses for yesterday and today, we are given basically a summary of the entire Book of Ruth. In Friday’s passage, a famine strikes the land of Judah so Naomi travels with her husband and two sons to Moab. The family stays here for 10 years, and the two…
Continue ReadingIn today’s Gospel passage, we are given the Great Commandment and the one that is like it. The Great Commandment is we are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. The command that is like this one is to love our neighbor as ourselves. So first…
Continue ReadingToday we celebrate the feast of the Apostle, St. Bartholomew. In our first reading for this feast, from the book of Revelation, the holy city Jerusalem is described. Of particular note for us for this feast is the description of the twelve foundation stones of the holy city, on which are inscribed the names…
Continue ReadingToday we have the parable of the workers in the field. The owner of the field goes out and hires more workers to collect his harvest hour after hour throughout the day. Until finally the last group of workers only works for an hour in the field. Finally, at the end of the day,…
Continue ReadingIn today’s Gospel, Jesus makes the astonishing assertion that it is easier for a camel to slip through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. The reason that it is so hard for a rich person to make it into the Kingdom of God is…
Continue ReadingIn today’s gospel, a young man approaches Jesus and asks what he must do to attain eternal life. Jesus first encourages him to keep the commandments. When the young man tells Jesus that he has kept these from his youth, Jesus challenges him further: “If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what…
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